From: Jon Johanning <BR>
It strikes me that this approach may be part of the reason for the <BR>
dismal results of radical organizing in the U.S. for the last decade or <BR>
two. <BR>
CB: What would explain the dismal results of non-radical left organizing ?<BR>
Starting by cocooning oneself with people who agree with one's <BR>
ideas may lead to a state in mind in which one feels one has the <BR>
God-given Truth, which has not been subjected to vigorous debate and <BR>
counter-argument to winnow the real truth in it from the untruth (cf. <BR>
John Stuart Mill, _On Liberty_). Equally dangerous, one has not <BR>
sufficiently studied the way the general public's mind works, so that <BR>
when one eventually wants to proceed to steps (3) and (4), one cannot <BR>
speak persuasively to the public, or even connect with ways in which <BR>
the public already agrees with one.<BR>