April 7, 2005 Laura Flanders, author of Bushwomen (just out in paperback) on masculinity, femininity, identity politics, and the Bush administration * Christian Parenti, author of The Freedom: Shadows & Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq, on Chavez and his revolution in Venezuela
it joins --------
March 31, 2005 Carlos Mejia, who deserted from his unit in Iraq, on war, resistance, and his year in jail * Nicola Kraus & Emma McLaughlin, authors of Citizen Girl and The Nanny Diaries, on gender, work, and the satiric novel
March 24, 2005 Simon Head, author of an excellent roundup-on Wal-Mart in the New York Review of Books (which prompted a two-page rebuttal ad from Wal-Mart!) and of The New Ruthless Economy, on what's wrong with Wal-Mart * three staffers from $pread magazine (Mary Christmas, Eliyanna, and Mercedes) on sex work
March 17, 2005 Anatol Lieven, author of America Right or Wrong, on Wolfowitz, "democracy," and Bush II * Jennifer Gordon, author of Suburban Sweatshops, on organizing immigrant workers on Long Island
March 10, 2005 Artist and writer Sunny Taylor on art, disability, and being censored by NPR * Naila Kabeer, author of The Power to Choose, on women, development, and the unwisdom of labor standards in trade agreements [Musical note: about halfway into the show is an excerpt from "Democracy Suspends Relevance," by "Jed Whitaker," a piece that includes samples from the interview with Slavoj Zizek broadcast in April 2003.]
and ---
* Chalmers Johnson on the U.S. empire * Jagdish Bhatwati on globalization * Bill Fletcher on war and peace * Slavoj Zizek on war, imperialism, and fantasy * Naomi Klein on Argentina and the global justice movement * Susie Bright on sex and politics * Anatol Lieven on Iraq * Cynthia Enloe on masculinity in the Bush administration (and oil) * Laura Flanders on Bushwomen * Steve Fraser on the cultural/political history of Wall Street * Jennifer Washburn on the corporate university * Norman Kelley on the crisis in black politics * Joseph Stiglitz on the IMF and the Wall St-Treasury axis * Lisa Jervis on feminism & pop culture * Joel Schalit on anti-Semitism * Robert Fatton on Haiti * Elizabeth Warren on bankruptcy * Gary Younge on a foreign journalist's view of the U.S. * Ursula Huws on work and why capitalism has avoided crisis * Michael Albert on participatory economics (parecon) * Marta Russell on the UN conference on disability * Sara Roy on the Palestinian economy * Michael Hardt on Empire (several times, the last June 2004) * Walden Bello on the World Social Forum and alternative development models
Doug Henwood Left Business Observer 38 Greene St - 4th fl. New York NY 10013-2505 USA voice +1-212-219-0010 fax +1-212-219-0098 cell +1-917-865-2813 email <mailto:dhenwood at panix.com> web <http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com> -------------------------------------------- download my book Wall Street (for free!) at <http://www.wallstreetthebook.com>