[lbo-talk] Why the Han Blood is Up Against the Yamato Clan

John Bizwas bizwas at lycos.com
Sun Apr 10 05:38:32 PDT 2005

The recent anti-Nippon activity is as much a message to the US changing the status vis-a-vis the US, its national security client state Japan, and China. See this establishment analysis piece from AP up at yahoonews:

>>World - AP Asia U.S. Pushing Japan to Boost Military Role

Sat Apr 9, 5:08 AM ET World - AP Asia By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan - In the most sweeping re-examination of the U.S.-Japan security alliance in years, Japan and the United States are negotiating a military realignment that could move some or all of the nearly 20,000 Marines off the crowded island of Okinawa, close underused bases and meld an Army command in Washington state with a camp just south of Tokyo. >>end of excerpt

The troops and materiel the US has in Japan has global reach because of a huge air base and a huge naval base. It's also cheaper to deploy there than in, for example, the US, not just because of forward positioning but because Japan pays over 5 billion in cash to the US for doing so. No doubt Japan will be asked to pay more.

Also, the gyrines on Okinawa helped level Fallujah. That camp they would be moved to would have to be Camp Zama or the JSDF counterpart nearby, also at the base of Mt. Fuji. Perhaps the JSDF will just give up a camp so the gyrines can do artillery shoots there (it's one of the few places in Honshu where you could do it, though Honshu is less crowded than Okinawa Honto).

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