> >
> > Rape involves sex, right?
>Hey man, if your definition of sex doesn't include
>consent, then I'll make sure to be staying the heck
>away from you....
one: eh?
two: that you'd even think i'd go near or let you near me to begin with is telling. would you say it were i a man?
> > Yet, one feminist position is that rape isn't about
> > sex, it's about power.
> >
> > OK. But if it's just about power, why not just beat
> > the hell out of a woman?
>Because, like sex, if it involves consent, it's a
>different activity, no? But is it an ENTIRELY
>different activity? In our society, probably never,
>and that's where Dworkin's writing was helpful.
Right. Most people don't get that point. It's why I laugh when the porn/prostitution wars begin....