> The Most Important Thing You Don't Know About "Peak Oil"
> By Steven Lagavulin
> March 16, 2005
> http://deconsumption.typepad.com/deconsumption/2005/03/the_most_import.html
> "When nothing happens for a long time, people begin to assume that
> nothing ever happens. But, sooner or later, something always
> happens." -- Steven Lagavulin
It's been a long day... A20/420 and all, please pardon the brevity.
IMHO, "The most important thing" is the continued denial by the western world that the oil age is over... sooner, rather than later. My take... and what I tell anyone who listens is: The longer we procrastinate on alternative energy sources AND lifestyles (the thirty minute commute must die an ignomious death) the longer lasting the mayhem that will result at a global scale. It's already begun.