> Using the Caucasus as your yardstick for Russia is
> like using Appalachia for the US.
> I love these pieces where someone extrapolates one
> experience across 11 time zones!
> --- Leigh Meyers <leighcmeyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> BBC April 23 2005 2015 PST
>> http://snipurl.com/e7fx
>> [mp3 32Kbs mono 1.3Mb]
Blame BBC, not me.... I've been in U.S. Regional airports that resemble that description. I'm not fussy as long as they aren't repairing the flight. I don't want to watch some unceritified thug work the engine cowling back into place with a ball peen hammer.
I avoided the "subway" thread because I think anyone who complains about waiting 15-30 minutes for a bus or train is moving too fast. I think it's more important... as someone who lives in a semi-urban/semi-rural area, to have transportation of *any quality and timing* available 24/7. I've had one too many jobs that caused me to hitch- hike home in the rain at 11pm on a Saturday.