[lbo-talk] Agent Orange

joanna 123hop at comcast.net
Mon Apr 25 16:00:16 PDT 2005

What do you mean Mr. B? You think there are bigger victims in the world than Americans? That anyone could suffer more? Or be more victorious? Or more deserving?

Come now....


B. wrote:

>Horrible photograph of a child victim of Agent Orange.
>"IN an incredible perversion of justice, former
>soldiers who sprayed festeringly poisnous chemicals on
>Vietnam, and now find today that they themselves have
>been damaged by them, appeal to the people for
>sympathy and charity. The effects of the defoliant
>Agent Orange are discussed at length, but not one
>single newspaper article or hearing that we are aware
>of has even mentioned the effects on the people who
>still live in those regions of Vietnam. It's as
>outlandish as if Nazis who gassed Jews were now to
>come forward and whine that the poisons they utilized
>had finally made them sick. The staggering
>monstrousness goes unlaughed at and even unnoticed, as
>in a Kafka novel."
>--Fred Wodworth, The Match!, 1980s, The Heretics
>Handbook of Quotations

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