[lbo-talk] what caused the london bombing?

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Sun Aug 7 11:58:31 PDT 2005

Is our role in this war a just one? Do we want to continue the war? If not, what will we do to stop it? Those are the questions we need to ask ourselves.

· Peter Wilby is a former editor of the New Statesman


Posted by Carl


Don't States which invade and occupy other States usually sign some sort of surrender agreement with their defeated foes and eventually, peace treaties of some kind or another.

Where is our modern Versailles, our swords and public humiliations on the Battleship Missouri? I can't remember seeing that this happened in Iraq.

As for bourgeois democratic republics like the UK and the USA, it is clear to me that the it is not the people who rule them. It is the bourgeois who manipulate the electoral process in ways which make the selection of ruling class approved candidates during elections inevitable. Peter Wilby voted for Tony Blair's Labour Party because he knew that the alternative, legitimized candidates were even more militant when it came to the issue of securing oil supplies by securing permanent military bases in parts of the Middle East.

What caused the London bombing?

Regards, Mike B)

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