[lbo-talk] Unofficial de-Baathification process in Iraq Continues

Leigh Meyers leighcmeyers at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 10:24:33 PDT 2005

On Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:07 AM [PDT], Gary? (!) wrote:

> On 8/8/05, Autoplectic <autoplectic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Talk about changing the subject!
> I want to hear about these evicted indigenous Jews.
> Gary?
> ride si sapis

Ancedote: When I was growing up in Brooklyn in the late 1950s, early 1960s the Jews that were emigrating to my neighborhood(Ave. Z, near Coney Island Hospital) were mostly dark skinned indigenous Jews from Palestine. They had lived(somewhat)peaceably in the region for literally a millennium or more.

Think about what had been happening in Palestine/Israel since WWII

All of a sudden, there was this concentrated mass of DPs from Europe with a bad case of victim syndrome, lots of guns, and a new piece of real estate provided by the UN.

It didn't take long before the Arabs and Muslims stopped trusting the indigenous Jews, and the European Jews treated the indigenous Jews as second class citizens. Caught in the crossfire... or the distinct possibility of it, they became de facto ethnic refugees, instead of Jews in the "land of milk and honey".

Just think how differently things might have happened in Palestine if the local established Jews had remained, and *helped guide* the immigration policy of Jews from Europe to a better life in a new place, instead of just overwhelming the region with people that, for the most part, had never even SEEN a desert.

Even still, I hear the historically recent shrillness of "They aren't Jews unless they're "Orthodox" Jews"... or somesuch travesty of the Jewish faith.

I may forget the holocaust, but I'll *NEVER* forget that... from "my own people"!

God's "chosen ones". Sure.

Leigh www.leighm.net

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