> As Kuhn and Lakatos have pointed out in another context, cherished
> theories are exceptionally resistant to facts. It takes a 'revolution'
> to sweep them aside.
> Sujeet
Once again, anyone else look at this critique of dependency theory? Robert Packenham. 1992. The Dependency Movement: Scholarship and Politics in Development Studies. Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/reviews/PACDEP_R.html (Kenneth Maxwell who was purged from his gig at Foreign Affairs as book reviewer due to pressure from Kissinger.) A fascinating, relentless and extensively documented look at the politicization of the American academic community and what [the author] sees as its Marxist roots...It exposes many of the follies and hypocrisies within the Latin Americanist precinct.
--Kenneth Maxwell, Foreign Affairs http://www.hup.harvard.edu/reviews/PACDEP_R.html -- Michael Pugliese