[lbo-talk] Iran's new defence minister and the '83 USMC Lebanon bombing

Mycos mycos at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 17 21:03:12 PDT 2005

"With 1,375 tons of explosives packed into the peaks, April 5, 1958 was the date set for detonation . On that day, at 9:31 a.m., Dr. Victor Dolmage, consulting engineer for the Ministry of Public Works, pushed the plunger that set off the largest non-nuclear explosion ever. The blast pulverized 370,000 tons of rock and displaced 320,000 tons of water. Rock and debris rocketed 1,000 feet into the air. The explosion also created a 25-foot tidal wave which quickly dissipated and caused no damage."


And then there's the Tunguska event, a detonation that certainly happened, no matter what one thinks the source may have been.

Nahh. The story is simply a propaganda piece looking for a war.

Be afraid. Be very afraid......


Gary Williams

Prohibition Funds Terrorism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Great Deceiver


paul childs wrote:
> Sez Iran Focus:
>>The U.S. court order described the blast as "the largest non-nuclear
>>explosion that had ever been detonated on the face of the Earth". It
>>was equal in force to between 15,000 and 21,000 pounds of TNT.
> Bullshit, the Halifax explosion of 1917 AFAIK remains the largest non-nuclear explosion ever;
>>From http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=feature/week2002/media02/hfxexp, and available elsewhere;
>>Although the ships drew apart without much damage, the Mont Blanc was carrying a devil's brew. In its hold there was 2,335 tons of picric acid, 203 tons >of TNT (ie. 400K pounds) and 10 tons of gun cotton. Highly flammable benzene, stored in tins on the deck, began to burn with a flaring blue flame. The >captain and crew of the Mont Blanc promptly took to their lifeboats, while their burning ship drifted toward one of the Halifax piers. On the dock, most >people were not aware that the burning ship was a floating bomb.
> This is more illegal aggression looking for a pretext.
> PC
> N P Childs
> 'I'm Mister Bad Example, the stranger in the dirt,
> I like to have a good time and I don't care who gets hurt'.
> -Mr. Bad Example, W Zevon
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