[lbo-talk] The Anti-Porn Left Strikes Again (Take 2)

Anthony J. Kennerson anthonyk_6319 at charter.net
Tue Dec 6 20:54:23 PST 2005

[Sorry, Doug, for the previous post...I forgot that mailing lists usually accept text only. My bad.]

http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=91&ItemID=9272 "Pornography is a Left Issue" by Gail Dines and Robert Jensen

This article really pissed me off..big time.

Never mind the claims to represent all of feminism or Leftists, or the usual antiporn feminist claptrap about how all men (especially Leftist men who don t march in perfect goose-step to the MacDworkin party line about porn/erotica's ultimate evil as the center of capitalism and racism and (of course) misogyny. It's the absolute brass of these people to claim that they are being "hassled" and harrassed by us pro-porn/anticensorship Leftist feminists for simply calling them out on their BS and fellow-travelling with the Far Right, that really galls me. Not to mention, the utter classism and elitism and hidden racism embedded within all their arguments...as if the likes of Susie Bright, Nina Hartley, Dr. Carol Queen, Scott Tucker, and other genuine sex radical Leftists were dominating the debate rather than them.

Then again, I'm surprised not at all that Z-Net would give these fools their platform....I at one time got on a thread at Z-Net's blog section on the supposed evils of porn as essentially male rape and battering of women..and promptly got caught up in a smack war where a few anti-pornsters went off on a rampage, practically shouting down anyone and everyone who even got close to criticizing their mentality. And don't forget about Noam Chomsky's episode with HUSTLER with that aborted interview, either.

I am planning a nice and nasty rejoinder to Z-Net in defense of sex-positive Lefties...as well as a complete rebuttal of all of D & J's stupidity to be posted at my groups...stay tuned.

Anthony (Still as sex-obsessed a Leftist as ever....and damn proud of it)

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