Also, given that Europe had been more than decimated by the first world war, it's hard to argue for anything other than relative U.S. superiority. And still, it was the Soviets who defeated the Germans. Had that not happened, they would not have gotten eastern Europe.
I'd prefer to keep the discussion on the list.
boddi satva wrote:
>C. Joanna,
>Don't overstate things. The US established air superiority over Europe
>that allowed the alllies to win the ground war and our navy and air
>forces destroyed the Japanese. Russians did a tremendous amount of
>fighting in Europe but very little against the Japanese. The Russians
>would have had an even more terrible fight if America had not won the
>air war. BTW, our GIs did their fair share of damage to the Germans
>and Italians on the ground.
>My point is that the American investment in Allied air power was
>decisive and that was a financial achievement done without much of an