[lbo-talk] Alpizar Killing: Orlando Sentinel Readers Sound Off

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sat Dec 10 07:50:07 PST 2005

Michael wrote:

> http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/orl-
> shootboard120805,0,7384737.graffitiboard?coll=orl-home-headlines

Wow, intelligent remarks are few and far between on the graffiti board above, but a few of them made sense, e.g.:

<blockquote>16. Terrorists don't disembark planes carrying the bombs they took the trouble to smuggle on. Terrorist don't warn pursuers they have a bomb in the first place. Terrorist detonate bombs in as crowded conditions as possible, and the air marshalls should have known that. Submitted by: LynL 5:02 PM EST, Dec 9, 2005</blockquote>

Wojtek wrote:

> What I am objecting to is the knee-jerk reaction against anything
> that the state and its functionaries do

It seems to me that you are once again defending the killing of an innocent by law enforcement authorities in a knee-jerk fashion. Your problem is that intelligent Americans don't agree with you on this, so you despise them, and dumb Americans enthusiastically agree with you, but you despise them, too, because they are dumb.

Yoshie Furuhashi <http://montages.blogspot.com> <http://monthlyreview.org> <http://mrzine.org>

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