--- Yoshie Furuhashi <furuhashi.1 at osu.edu> wrote:
> Your
> problem is that intelligent Americans don't agree
> with you on this,
My problem, Yoshie, is that seemingly intelligent people like you, who it is safe to assume have no first hand knowledge of the incident, go through second or third hand jurnalist accounts of that event and selectively pick up threads that fit their ideological mold without any attempts to asses the reliablity of the information or put in a broader context. If that is not a textbook example of spin, I do not know what is.
AFAICT, people on this list are denouncing the likes of O'Reilley, Limbaugh and socres of lesser right wing hacks for doing exactly the same, so what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you criticize ring wingers for spin, make sure that your own story if reasonably free from it.
If you actually read what I wrote, instead of selectively quoting words that fit your spin, you would learn that I am not defending "authorities" (in fact I say what they do borders on coup d'etat) but I am merely trying to put the work of airport security personnel in a broader context,which is pretty standard in any rational analysis. I do not understand why is it so diffcult to be rational?
Wojtek _______________________ DISCLAIMER: Opinions posted by this writer to this forum are solely forms of literary criticism exercised as the First Amendment right, and do not necessarily reflect the author's views or attitudes toward real-life people, including other writers posting to this forum, groups of people, institutions, or events to which the critiqued texts may refer, either explicitly or implicitly. Any statement asserting or implying such views or attitudes on the basis of this writer's opinions posted to this forum is thus unfounded, and may be libelous. ________________________
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