Actually, I do share a kind view of human beings - and that is why I think that the best response to this senseless loss of five human lives is pause, reflection and silence. What gets on my nerves is not human beings but cartoon-like celebrity figures and symbol manipulators turning this somber event into a media circus. Completely tasteless and disgusting, but quintessentially American.
Wojtek _______________________ DISCLAIMER: Opinions posted by this writer to this forum are solely forms of literary criticism exercised as the First Amendment right, and do not necessarily reflect the author's views or attitudes toward real-life people, including other writers posting to this forum, groups of people, institutions, or events to which the critiqued texts may refer, either explicitly or implicitly. Any statement asserting or implying such views or attitudes on the basis of this writer's opinions posted to this forum is thus unfounded, and may be libelous. ________________________