> > I haven't followed this case at all. Were the facts
> > in the case questionable? [JT]
> Not at all: he was on death row, and he was executed. No questions.
> (Or were you saying that if he's guilty [and you're sure of it?], it's
> okay?)
I wasn't making any comment on the death penalty I was just curious if there was any reasonable doubt concerning his guilt.
I'm anti-death penalty for the reason that if we convict an innocent person in error and execute them you can't undo it. Since it is impossible to construct any system that would allow the death penalty to only be used in cases where that was absolutely zero doubt about guilt and absolute certainty concerning the mental acumen of the guilty party you simply can't allow any executions.
If you ask me if I would favor executing someone who had committed a heinous murder (or more than one) and admitted their guilt I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that. I am not certain how I feel about this.
John Thornton