> "ChuckO: Ultra-Left Anarchist or Tool of the Petty-Bourgeois
> American Library Association which protests censorship of Susan Sontag
> in US libraries but, passes resolutions upholding Cuban banning of her
> books, " by Leo Casey.
That's funny. I just made a Susan Sontag reference in a reply I sent to a librarian list where some guy called me an extremist.
BTW, Pugliese would have been strung up by the librarians on this other list long ago. I have just been scolded by several librarians after I supported another librarian who sent ONE ARTICLE from Nature magazine to the list. Evidently, these librarians are the legalistic sort and they think that one instance of one article being sent to the list will prompt a visit from the FBI Counter-Copyright Infringement Task Force.
Yes, perhaps I should write that book titled "Librarians and other impediments to information."