I do not support censorship. I do not support "protecting" women from pornography. I do not think there is an established link between pornography and crime. I do not think viewing erotic images hurts people. I do not think reading erotic text hurts people.
I think Hustler reflects a male supremacist viewpoint.
I do not support supremacist viewpoints based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, size, ability, language, or even class. I support equality and fairness in all these dimensions.
To clarify the class issue, I seek economic equality and fairness and do not think unregulated capitalism produces such a system; but I do not support rounding up all the wealthy people and executing them.
To clarify the Hustler issue, I seek gender equality and fairness and do not think Hustler reflects such a system. While I do not support shutting down Hustler, or even expending much energy protesting it, I think that writers who write for Hustler are making a mistake because they are giving an imprimatur to a male suppremacist organ (you should pardon the pun).
I think this is bad politics. I think this is not a wise way to build a progressive coalition. I will not write for Hustler. I urge other writers to not write for Hustler.
I do not support rounding up all the progressives who write for Hustler and executing them.
Why is this so difficult for people to deal with? I have friends who write for Hustler. Get over it...I have. It's an opinion. Stop the flame wars.