[lbo-talk] Any comments/links re Iraq elections?

tfast tfast at yorku.ca
Wed Feb 2 08:27:45 PST 2005

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Charles Brown wrote:
>> Worse case scenario might be like Korea. Some 50 years ago the United
>> Snakes invaded there and haven't left yet. The Americans have the
>> nerve to
>> call those in the North still resisting occupation part of an "Axis
>> of Evil"
>> that includes(d ?) Iraq.
> I'm sure I'll get denouced as an apologist for imperialism for saying
> this, but really, Charles, if you asked almost anyone on earth whether
> he or she would prefer to live in North or South Korea, you'd have a
> hard time finding anyone who preferred the North.
> Doug

Nice theory of history Doug! This is called the historical fallacy. Should the Korean war not have happened there is no way one can prove or even venture a guess as to what North, South or a unified Korea would look like today. You just don't know. What we do know is that the US has a history of invading other countries for their own benefit, including we might add their own (we can look to native reserves to see where such interventions often lead). So yes you are engaged in a form of apologia. A form I might add that Rove et al. are banking on. It strikes me that this line of "yours" plays about the same role as the British doctrine of land improvement which fed much of their empire's expansive hunger.


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