[lbo-talk] Noam does a romance novel, heh

Michael Pugliese michael098762001 at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 3 11:32:51 PST 2005

http://www.geocities.com/eukodol/chomskybook1.jpg via, http://blamebush.typepad.com/blamebush/2005/01/programmed_robo.html Iraqi Election or Crocky SE-Lection?

They were warned of "rivers of blood", told that they and their families would suffer horrible screaming deaths for their treachery. But like the mind-numbed Jesuslanders of the red states, Iraqis chose to ignore the sober warnings of leading democrats and turn out to vote for their favorite CIA puppet anyway.

Some may think is a great victory for the cause of freedom, that democracy will now spread across the Middle East and force Arab leaders to reform their corrupt governments. But as it said on the side of John Kerry's campaign bus: Don't get your hopes up, kids. The last thing the Iraqis, or anyone else in the world needs right now is "hope".

Bush and his hope-spewing talk radio neohawks do the world a great disservice by hyping this "election", an election which is at best illegitimate and a complete fraud. It's easy to hail the courage of the purple-fingered sheep who sashayed to the voting centers under the protection of armed U.S. soldiers. However, a great number of Iraqis weren't so privileged, and were turned away from the polls on the simple grounds that they had 75 pounds of explosives strapped to their bodies. Many were forced to explode outside, where temperatures are currently in the low 30's and even the most stalwart Freedom Fighter risks severe frostbite. Their anger over their disenfranchisement grows, and they've vowed to fight on to remove the stink of American infidels from their homeland.

And so should we.

January 31, 2005 in Iraq | Permalink -- Michael Pugliese

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