[lbo-talk] Re:God's Humour

Brian Charles Dauth magcomm at ix.netcom.com
Sat Feb 5 16:20:39 PST 2005

Dear List:

Chris writes:

> William James is great -- I reread Varieties of
Religious Experience recently -- but he's not a writer (maybe you were thinking of Henry?).

Not a fan of Henry despite his queerness. I did wrte a modern day adptation of "The Ambassadors," however, which I hope to produce one day. I bring the homosex to the fore.

> I really liked Naked Lunch and Queer, but
Burrough's later cut-ups stuff I thought was pointless -- also a lot of the material Burroughs probably intended as erotic just came across as gross, since I'm heterosexual.

Could be. When I first read Burroughs as a teenager, I just connected with him totally. It was like he pulgged into my brain, my heart and my loins simultaneously and gave all three areas a huge jolt of electricity.

Interestingly, when I read Henry Miller I was just bored to tears. I thought: "If this is heterosex, I am glad I am on the other team." I may have had your block in reverse.

> All that anal mucous everywhere.

Now known as santorum.

> I tried getting into Pynchon, but it seemed too, "hey, man, it's
the 60s."

I was just dazzled by the feeling of an alternative history. The Chapter in "V." titled Mondaugen's Story had me crying by the end of it -- one of the few times I have cried when reading a book.

DeLillo is another story. I have tried all his novels and while I admire the prose, I just never feel compelled to keep reading. I like the ideas as well. Just something strikes me as being off.

Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister

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