[lbo-talk] Mr. Churchill

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Sun Feb 6 12:47:11 PST 2005

Jon Johanning :

Once and for all, it is time to put an end to this knee-jerk, counterproductive screaming about Nazis and Hitler and Eichmann by lefties, or would-be lefties. It cheapens the memory of the Holocaust and demeans anyone who uses it, besides automatically condemning them to being ignored by most of the people they are talking to.

^^^^^^ CB: Not a chance. The U.S. war on Iraq is very Nazi-like. The U.S. war on Viet Nam was very Nazi-like.

Of course, it's ignored by most Americans, who don't want to face up to the level of barbarity of their state. Nonetheless, anti-fascist agitation must be carried out by somebody.

Those who argue for American exceptionalism are the ones who demean themselves.

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