[lbo-talk] Marc Cooper's flipping out over Churchill

tfast tfast at yorku.ca
Sun Feb 6 18:43:46 PST 2005

Nathan Newman wrote:

>The US spent the 20th century proving it would destroy a whole range of
>governments for such purposes. What made Kosovo and Haiti interventions
>different is that instead of deposting democracies and installing
>dictatorships -- the typical US pattern in the 20th century --
>dictatorships were taken out and popularly elected leaders came to power.

And how does all of this square with the recent intervention in Haiti. Was this not an orchestrated overthrow of your beloved Clintonian intervention? By the way jst saw Clinton and Bush Sr. comradely stroll into the superbowl together. Of course what else does one expect from the demolition man of Roosevelt's new deal.

Hey Newman, as an aside why do you think Kerry was against the war in Iraq? Perhaps because he thought it was a bad strategy to counter wide spread Muslim opinion that the US was the antagonist. IF so, is not your man also an apologist for terrorism like Churchill? Is this not the same brush?


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