>Notice, however, that Churchill did not call the "technocrats" of
>the American empires "Eichmanns." He called them "little
>Eichmanns," so he recognizes the difference in magnitude between
>Adolph Eichmann on one hand and M&A lawyers and bond traders on the
>other hand as well as the difference between Eichmann's conscious
>actions and American "technocrats'" unconscious actions.
Gee, that's really something. Eichmann was present at the meeting where the Nazi leadership planned the destruction of the Jews, then worked at senior levels making that happen. What would a "little" version of that be? Designing weapons or picking bombing targets, yes. Not going to work and devising litigation or trading bonds. There's a world of difference there.
It's interesting that Churchill forgot that most of the inhabitants of the WTC were members of the working class. They're often invisible, even when they're the majority - but especially so if you've got a nationalistic view of the world, where American = oppressor and Arab = oppressed, with no exception or contradiction involved.