"We" ? The decision is rather not up to us, which is why a strategy is required.
>"Social investment" or
>"investment in human potential" (c.f. the marketing slogan used by
>Micro$oft) are much better justifications for funding schools and other
>institutions serving disadvantaged citizens that any possible claim of
>past wrongdoing.
Investment in human potential? Yes, it is a marketing slogan, to make sure that the humans in question are more useful (and compliant) tools for elite use. How about investing in our struggle to get out of this mess.
The point is not to claim past wrongdoing, it's to make plain past expropriation. No handouts, no condescending saviors.
>From "to everyone according to the need" to "payback for past screwups"
> - how low have we stooped.
How low have we been pushed, is the question. If 'each according to need' were on the table, really, it might be a different matter. To get to that we need to go through some stages, eh? And one of them is to accumulate some damn resources.
The sequelae of the slavery system are neither past nor a screwup, they are a deliberately enforced present reality.
Jenny Brown