>From the first, there really wasn't much bellowing for revenge coming
>from the city that was hit. Most of it comes from a heartland that's
>never going to be hit by anything other than a tornado. The whole
anti->terror thing is more about xenophobia and paranoia than
In the first few days following 9-11, weren't there a number of reprisals against Sikhs in NYC? From the accounts I recall, some people in the city quite vividly exercised their revenge against anything taliban-looking. Kind of xenophobic, don't you think? Other than for taking a cheapshot at the heartland, I don't see any important insight coming from dumping the burden of misguided vengenace on rural America alone. Kind of suprised Doug, you're usually the person I count on to eschew reflexive leftish sentiments, such as "blame it on the revenge-hungry hicks," and sift out an opinion based on reason and evidence instead.