> Because Bush's balance of Social Security is going to
> have millions of seniors surviving on cat food.
I'm an OB nurse currently living in Berkeley, CA (from Chicago, grew up in Texas) and have lurked on this list for well over a year. I think Nicole Hollander has nailed this one in the 2-21-05 strip:
I haven't done a search to see which pet food company is marketing these "low carb dog treats for human consumption," but isn't it inevitable that Capital is brilliantly anticipating, and preparing for, increasing consumer demand (ie new untapped markets!) for pet food/human food as more Americans become impoverished, bankrupt, jobless, without health care, retirement, without social services or other government funded safety nets? The magic of Advertising such a product could normalize the seniors-eating-pet-food trope from a cultural joke into an acceptable, unquestioned fact of life. Look for more products to come (made in China, sold at Walmart or Target at rockbottom prices, affordable with what you can get in one day's take in selling aluminum cans) which help the newly destitute fit into and accept their new simplified lifestyle.