[lbo-talk] Hunter Thompson kills himself

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Mon Feb 21 14:13:47 PST 2005

>DRR wrote:
>Dreadful news. Thompson was one of the greats - sparkling,
>styling prose, and though he slowed down in his later years,
>he still managed to deliver the occasional thunderbolt against
>(usually deserving) miscreants. He was a canny reader of
>mass-cultural trends, and maybe he had an inkling of the
>horrors the oiligarchy is unleashing. Possibly that's what
>drove him over the edge.
Not that I don't agree that thinking about the future and the present isn't depressing enough to push one over the edge, but HT had back surgery, a hip replacement and broke his leg in Europe recently. Given his expertise at acquiring drugs, I don't think it was pain that drove him to turn the gun on himself. I think he was overwhelmed with aging.

Everyone has got their limits.

Marta --

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