[lbo-talk] The Rapture Index & "white trash"

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Feb 24 12:42:01 PST 2005

>Marta Russell wrote:
>>>Incidentally -- the sociology of the subject line must be all wrong.
>>>Probably more believers in the Rapture fit the stereotype "yuppie" than
>>>the stereotype "white trash"?????
>>That is not my experience. the yuppies go to protestant churches,
>>like Methodist, Episcopalian, etc., they are not Pentacostal or
>But the working class can't hold bad views - only "yuppies" and
>higher can. But of course Carrol doesn't want us to examine motives
>for holding a position, so I shouldn't have said that.

Of course, it's always easier to invent a straw man and attribute it to your opponent than examine hard evidence.

Nolan McCarty, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal's analysis that "income is an extraordinarily good predictor of partisanship among conservative Christians" (at <http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/pipermail/lbo-talk/Week-of-Mon-20050221/004073.html>) is very solid in my opinion, but if you agree with them, you have to work hard to advance a left-wing economic agenda attractive enough to even low-income conservative Christians, rather than thinking that low-income conservative Christians must be dumb just because they don't always vote for the Democratic Party. If they don't all vote Democratic, perhaps it is the party's economic ideology, not their religious belief, that is the primary problem. -- Yoshie

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