[lbo-talk] Gore Vidal: Lincoln Was, Like, Totally Gay

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Wed Jan 5 11:22:06 PST 2005

Miles Jackson cqmv at pdx.edu, Wed Jan 5 11:10:03 PST 2005:
> > Maybe instead of getting so worked up about categeories et al,
>> we should concentrate on understanding what constitutes the
>> non-harmful use of an object or idea, and what constitutes its
>> harmful use. Seems much more pragmatic and useful, as well
> > as much easier to communicate and discuss with other people.
>Try this on: the existence of the category itself is the harmful
>thing. The analogy with race here is appropos: just as racism
>cannot exist in a society that does not recognize the existence or
>validity of different racial groupings, heterosexism cannot exist in
>a society that does not enforce the rigid categorization of people
>as gay or heterosexual.
>Why not just celebrate the well documented plasticity of sexual
>desire and behavior?

We wouldn't be celebrating "the well documented plasticity of sexual desire and behavior" if pioneering activism and scholarship of gay men and lesbians had not taken on the categories that made them "deviant" and redefined themselves as oppressed communities (who are distinct from straights) fighting for equal rights. (The same is true for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, the disabled, and other categories of oppressed people.) There has not been any straight path from polymorphous perversity of pre-capitalist ways to polymorphous perversity of post-capitalist ways in rich industrial nations. The path of our sexual development has, instead, been a dialectical one, including the necessary tarrying with the negative, or, as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak puts it, the moment of "strategic essentialism." Whether sexual development in poorer nations will follow the same dialectical path or cut a new path of "sexual permanent revolution" remains to be seen. -- Yoshie

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