(A) Owning the power of a spoiler is a step toward (B) winning outright. I doubt that we can get to the point (B) without going through the point (A).
>Bush II is as likely to be as bad as anyone feared, and it isn't
>even Jan 20 yet. If you can't acknowledge that, then your audience
>is going to be severely limited.
Are you acknowledging that Bush II is as bad as anyone feared? If so, what are you going to do about that?
>You're not embracing the Cockburnish strategy of just fucking things
>up, are you?
Take a look at _Frederick Douglass: Selected Speeches and Writings_ edited by Philip Foner, and let me know what you think about Douglass's thought about how to participate in electoral politics. -- Yoshie
* Critical Montages: <http://montages.blogspot.com/> * Greens for Nader: <http://greensfornader.net/> * Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/> * OSU-GESO: <http://www.osu-geso.org/> * Calendars of Events in Columbus: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/calendar.html>, <http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/> * Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/> * Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/> * Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio> * Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>