[lbo-talk] European Union May Ban Nazi Symbols

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 18 10:11:31 PST 2005

>From: Wojtek Sokolowski <sokol at jhu.edu>
>I understand that most members of the British royal family, and for that
>matter aristocracy, would have to be watered daily if their IQs were only a
>tidbit lower. Altman's film _Gosford Park_ portrays that royal idiocy
>What is the big attraction of the royal family in the UK, anyway?

Displacement, I'd say. If the UK public didn't have the royals to kick around they'd have to focus their discontent on some more threatening target, such as their deranged prime minister or lackey-like "special relationship" with the US. Believe me, it's easier to ridicule the queen's fustiness, guffaw over Charles' eccentricities, and make thunderous denunciations of Prince Harry's insensitivity than come to grips with the fact that the president of the US is using your country as a toilet brush.


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