James Forman
Saturday, February 5, 2005
People's Congregational Church
4704 13th St. NW
Washington D.C. 20011
Noon to 3:00 p.m.: Gather and be Together
The church agreed to open the doors early because many folks, especially
the SNCC veterans, expressed a desire to use this as a chance to be together.
3 - 5:30 p.m.: Memorial Celebration
Also, some people have asked about making donations in my dad's honor.
We are establishing a James Forman Scholarship Fund, some or all of which we
hope to use to create a scholarship at his alma mater Roosevelt University in
Chicago. Please wait for further information if you wish to contribute to the
scholarship fund.
In the meantime, anyone interested in making a contribution to the archival
project/book project/general expenses should make the check out to Chaka
Forman, and send it to:
Chaka Forman
2554 Lincoln Blvd. #729
Venice CA 90291
Thank you,
****please circulate*****