>Yeah. Now I'm pretty sympathetic to the argument that a
>revolutionary government that adopts the enemy's command and control
>structures is a long way on the road to losing its virtue. I'm
>looking for some way out of the trap: emulate the boss or get
>slaughtered by the boss.
First, get almost the entire population (the working class) on-side.
Second, organise the people in a cohesive and democratic structure, with the objective of administering and co-ordinating all industry.
Third, take control of the means of production. This involves merely ceasing to obey the orders of the former owners of the means of production any longer.
The CIA would cease to exist, as it would be starved of funds, equipment, labour and legitimacy. Unless the will of the people was to continue to support it.
It is as unnecessary to draw up a plan to deal with an invasion of this anarchist America by Nazi Germany, as it is to draw up plans to resist an invasion by the Roman Empire. Neither of these regimes had the technological capacity for time travel.
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas