I think that, for the sake of justice, there ought to be some pay differences: workers who work night shifts should be paid better than those who work day shifts; workers who work more dangerous jobs should be paid better than those who work less dangerous jobs; etc. Or, instead of pay differences, there can be differences in vacation time.
That said, I think that society can easily tolerate 10% of the population "goofing off" or, to put it differently, not being in the labor force. Don't most rich capitalist nations already do? In the United States today, "The proportion of the working-age population that was employed (the employment-population ratio) was 62.4 percent in December, about the same as a year earlier" ("The Employment Situation: December 2004," <a href="http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm">January 7, 2005</a>). -- Yoshie
* Critical Montages: <http://montages.blogspot.com/> * "Proud of Britain": <http://www.proudofbritain.net/ > and <http://www.proud-of-britain.org.uk/>