>>those of you, who may believe that the framework/theory you believe in
>>(marxism?) is a science, seem to have little patience for other left
>>groups. at best, this attitude is a dangerous elitism.
> I'll overlook that. You were owed a free kick anyhow. ;-)
but it was not intended as a cheap shot. there is a sense among the textbook leftists (by which i mean marxists or at least those who see leftism == class struggle) that the problems of analysis and framework has been solved. if that's true, some references, etc are in order. at a time when labour (union members), probably more than any other segment of the left (environmentalists, women's rights/queer rights/animal rights activists, etc) are crossing lines and voting republican in large numbers, the labour left needs to present a more friendly and detailed explanation so we can achieve the solidarity required. the above is a bit "stream of consciousness", so please read with sympathy.