[lbo-talk] Re: activists

philion at stolaf.edu philion at stolaf.edu
Sat Jan 29 18:08:21 PST 2005

Chuck O wrote: Yuck! Two of my least favorite things: right wingers and Marc Cooper.

This ignorant article is aimed at the anti-intellectuals of the right, who really want their stereotypes of leftists to be confirmed. I say that this is a good thing, because by deliberately not understanding us, it gives us the power to confound and beat them.

--yeah, no kidding. Mr. Totten, whom the article Pugliese cites cites, actually said on Cooper's blog that he thinks of Reason as a "centrist" magazine and found the idea of private health care accounts as a refreshing alternative... Mr. Totten it turns out is a victim of the exact kind of ideology that Doug was critical of in certain [albeit certainly not all] activists, namley an infantile affection for small business as the solution to corporate domination. Oh, but hey, how can we leftists not listen seriously to the criticisms of a Cooper or Totten? So carefully thought out and dedicated to helping the left move forward? It just goes to show how totalitarian you are Chuck!!


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