[lbo-talk] US delight as Iraqi rebels turn their guns on each other

Michael Pugliese michael.098762001 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 20:18:24 PDT 2005

"kurdish" bodies?

The last big (C)ANSWER "anti-war" rally I attended in S.F. before moving to Denver, I stood with an activist who had assembled photos taken from the Iranian TV news footage and still photographs of the results of the chemical weapons assault on Halabja that killed 5,000.Many who passed by had comments like LM. Either they said it was a hoax, or the Iranians had really did it. Disgusting.

Look at these photos , Leigh, http://www.kdp.pp.se/chemical.html http://www.kdp.pp.se/bad0080.jpg http://www.kdp.pp.se/2.jpg http://www.kdp.pp.se/1.jpg ttp://www.kdp.pp.se/3.jpg ttp://www.kdp.pp.se/4.jpg http://www.kdp.pp.se/6.jpg http://www.kdp.pp.se/10.jpg http://www.kdp.pp.se/hal.jpg

In the book, "A Problem From Hell, " on USG complicity in genocide, I remind LM that the Reagan US Commerce Dept and DoD signed off on the docs that were necessary for the shipment of the bio-chem weaponry (from a company in Rockville., MD. where I grew up, probably near the huge HEW/HHS bldg.)

Rads like Leigh are a big part of the reason the US rad Left get smaller and smaller.

-- Michael Pugliese

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