[lbo-talk] They lived in the next street from me

Jim Devine jdevine03 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 07:02:53 PDT 2005

James H writes:
>None of this background explains the bombings. Hasib Hussain (19),
Shehzad Tanweer (22), Mohammed Sidique Khan (30) and their last, as yet unnamed accomplice lived the same lives as many people who went on to do quite different things with their lives. Of course it is tempting to ascribe political motives to the bombings, because that makes more sense of them. But in the end, these suicide bombings are just the equivalent of what the Americans called 'going Postal', after Post Workers went to work and blasted all their colleagues - or a kind of Columbine Massacre on the Underground.<

it's a mistake to seek a single cause of an empirical event in human history. An event like the London bombings is over-determined. There's the psychological dimension of some individuals being pushed over the edge. There's the sociological dimension of the relationship between "Asians" and the rest of British society (that JH sketches). There's the political dimension of the US/UK war against Iraq. There's an ideological dimension... Etc. It's all of these together that combine to cause such an event. Jim Devine

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