>Most U.S. companies assume about an hour of wasted
>time, but workers admit to actually frittering away
>more than twice as much time at a cost of $759 billion
>in annual paid salary that results in no apparent
>productivity, an online survey conducted by America
>Online and Salary.com showed.
Strange. It was common for my clients to say that the most you could expect out of FT was 6 hours a day. They were of the mindset that, you could try to up productivity, but no matter what you did, people would find a way to get their break times in. The human body figures out ways to retreat from the pace: daydreaming, visits to the restroom, etc. I'd always assumed that this is what their HR departments told them (we're talking Fortune 100s where this was a common belief).
"Finish your beer. There are sober kids in India."
-- rwmartin