> For "Borf," it certainly seems accurate. He reads Debord, to boot!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/13/AR2005071302448.html
>...His clothes are usually frumpy and speckled with paint, and the
baseball cap covering his dark hair has a broken band . He is fond of
phrases like: "Property is theft, as Prudhomme says." He labels the
Cosi cafe chain "boojy" (for bourgeois) and despises Starbucks.
Heh, Paul Prudhomme the chef? My Mom took a cooking class from him in New Orleans. The photo of him, she showed me, damn the guy must weight 800 pounds.
Proudhon, don't get no respect.
-- Michael Pugliese