[lbo-talk] Re:equal rights, for some

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 24 15:14:28 PDT 2005

>From: "Frank Scott" <frank at marin.cc.ca.us>
>"Perhaps you can do us the favor of citing some
> > examples where religious listmembers were
> > attacked on account of their religiosity. "
>can't possibly speak for other listmembers, but this one
>has seen numerous trashings of fundie and other
>"christers-xtians-xtrianity" , including catholicism, which
>might possibly cause some hurt to a list member who
>happened to be of the faith, even though he-she may not
>have been singled out for personal abuse...

Ain't it the truth? There's never a Grand Inquisitor around when you need one.

(Wake me when the Great Awakening is over.)


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