I took steps to change identifying information with clients. The examples of web development work were for sites that don't even exist anymore, which doesn't exactly do me a whole lot of good. E.g., it looks like I created a design and then the company got a new one from a different designer because they didn't like mine.
>From what the process server told me on the phone, he's even trying to
stop me from using my knowledge of this stuff! IIn other words, he's
trying to stop me from using my knowledge, obtained on the job, to do
business in this field. This can't be right, can it?
So, we're begging. We just started an ad campaign, which we'll have to stop. I gave my life for six years and I had no idea that I can't even show my work because I was an employee. The people with whom we've been working out deals -- well they all seem to have fallen through, even the one I wrote privately to some of you about. I guess I learn a lesson I knew: don't ever get excited about something because as soon as you do, you will pay for the audacity of daring to think you might make a living.
If you have any idea who might need our services, please let us know. I don't want a hand out. I think we do damn good work and work our tails off, really caring about what we do. Yeah, I guess it's a charity case. Whatever.
Is the revolution around the corner at all? -- "No tongue! I'm wearing lipstick"