FWIW, in the office building where I work, the "close the door" button actually works! Maybe it's because the building used to belong to the miltitary-industrial complex? (Raytheon designed high-tech landmines here.)
> Of course, as an Eastern European Zizek knows that because Eastern European
> societies under communism were saturated with such democratic placebos,
> starting from naming conventions cf. German "Democractic" Republic, The
> "People's" Republic of ____. "Citizen's Militia" (denoting the state
> security forces) etc.
is this that different from the US, where we see the "USA Patriot Act," the "Clean Skies Initiative," the "No Child Left Behind Act," etc.? PR lies seem universal, both under bureaucratic socialism and capitalism. -- Jim Devine "History is not statistically significant" -- Lucien Foldes & Pauline Watson.