I don't even know why I'm bothering to respond to this, since you clearly didn't even read what I wrote; I guess I just find it too hard to pass up an opportunity to (again) ironically point out that this is a thread about literacy. It's not hard to imagine that your general misanthropy leads to you reading the worst into other people's comments.
But I'll be charitable and ask: what the hell did I say that would warrant this sort of kneejerk red baiting? Something that was somehow worse than you indicting college kids for not being interested in learning new things?
The young people I work with and interact with on a daily basis are fast learners and they are eager to teach themselves new skills. And they usually manage to do so much faster than the older people I've worked with. The classroom is not necessarily the most conducive environment for this type of learning, especially now that the 24x7 availabiity of resouces to the digitally privileged has made the "on my own time" option realistic. And yet a perceived lack of interest in the classroom, filtered through your general pessimism, somehow translates to kids who do not want to learn. That sort of myopic view of learning is part of the damn problem you're complaining about in the first place.
-- Matthew Snyder Philadelphia, PA