[lbo-talk] bankruptcy

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Mar 10 20:35:22 PST 2005

>>If you've got a credit card problem (and live in the USA), think
>>very seriously about filing - NOW.
>Right now? As in... next week? When do these things kick in?
>-- DRR

The House will pass the bankruptcy bill in April, and the President will sign it into law immediately, and then it will take effect six months after enactment.

<blockquote>The bill would take effect six months after it's signed into law. That would likely spur a spike in bankruptcy filings as individuals scramble to file for Chapter 7 before the restrictions take effect, says Sam Gerdano, executive director of the American Bankruptcy Institute.

"Ironically, for a bill designed to reduce consumer bankruptcy filings, it will increase them," at least in the short term, Gerdano says.


That's the window of opportunity, but you had better begin now. -- Yoshie

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