> By the way, Liza & I have a piece in the new LBO ("Reflections on
> impotence") on the unwisdom of calling for actions that are doomed from
> the start - like the Million Worker March - that only underscore our
> weakness & marginality. I'm afraid this round of antiwar demos has done
> just that - it may have hurt the cause more than it helped it.
CNN ran an online poll yesterday whichs asked something along the lines of "Is it time to end the anti-war protests.:
Yes, a pretty hostile poll question towards activists.
I checked the poll several times and found that around 58% of the people who took the poll said "no" to this question.
But I agree with Doug that the protests yeseterday were mostly a waste of time. The ones that revolved around recruiting centers were a step in the right direction.
I drove by the peace rally in Kansas City this afternoon. It looked like there were around 300-500 people in the park around 5:15pm.