> I think that is over-reading my intent. I did not feel that I called
> anyone on this list a Nazi and I did not liken anyone to Kevorkian.
You didn't write this then?
"I suppose this would mean that it would've been perfectly acceptable to kill lots of people when they had bad enough post-traumatic stress to believe they were still in an institution for years after they left and wasn't showing much sign of noticing they weren't? By those standards we could also kill all concentration camp survivors who had the same reaction, and all Vietnam vets diagnosed with severe enough PTSD, all vets from Iraq with similar syndrome and... hmmmm
sounds just like when the Nazis controlled Germany only they did not kill disabled vets. I sure would not want you in charge of my advanced directive.
What exactly is the difference between calling me a Nazi and saying my position sounds just like the Nazi's only worse?
John Thornton