[lbo-talk] NYT: "Too Much Capital"

Adam Souzis adamsz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 11:53:12 PST 2005

what happened in argentina is very interesting. It's not so much that there's "too much" capital but rather for perhaps the first time a significant amount of global investment capital is coming from developing countries; in argentina's case, china and brazil. It seems that these nouveau riche capitalists don't feel much solidarity with their old world brethren and have under-cut their negotiating leverage.

This doesn't have anything to do with diminishing investment opportunities, rather just from fact that its really hard to beat the deals you can find in an collapsed economy cut off from the capital markets.

The big question is whether this redistribution of capital marks a fundamental shift in the balance of power limiting how much pressure international capital can put on developing nations. Let's hope so.

-- adam

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 16:22:14 +0100, Colin Brace <cwb at lim.nl> wrote:
> Odd spin on the Argentine default -- those meek bondholders???
> -------- Original Message -------
> Too Much Capital: Why It Is Getting Harder to Find a Good Investment
> Published: March 25, 2005
> THERE is too much capital in the world. And that means that those who
> own the capital - investors - are in for some unhappy times.
> That thesis may sound inherently unlikely, but it explains a lot. Those
> with capital find they must pay high prices for investments that are
> likely to produce only a little income. The relative importance of
> things other than capital, like commodities and cheap labor, has grown.
> Evidence of the capital glut can be seen in interest rates. Market rates
> are low, and even when central banks set out to raise short-term rates,
> longer-term rates are slow to move. Little additional yield is available
> to those who buy very risky bonds. For the same reason, stock prices are
> high. Profit disappointments may not cause the stock market to plunge,
> since the capital will have to go somewhere. But the return on the
> underlying investments is likely to be below what investors have expected.
> With capital in a weakening position, returns that once would have gone
> to owners of capital have gradually been redirected. That is one way to
> explain the surge in management compensation in the last two decades. In
> the early 1980's, when interest rates were high and stock prices low,
> the average chief executive received no stock options in any given year.
> Now nearly all get sizable grants, and one study found that chief
> executive pay rose faster than that of any group save for professional
> athletes and movie stars. Those who provided the capital had less power
> to demand the profits from the enterprises they financed.
> Another sign of excess capital can be seen in what Argentina did to its
> creditors - and in how they reacted. When Argentina defaulted on its
> debt in December 2001, many thought it would eventually negotiate a deal
> with creditors that was similar to previous arrangements made by
> countries in default. Instead, this year it imposed far harsher terms
> and refused to talk about them. The vast majority of the bondholders
> meekly went along and bonds of other emerging markets have not suffered.
> Emboldened, Argentina's government is sounding an uncompromising note
> regarding foreign-owned utilities and oil companies. It is betting that
> it can get away with treating the owners of capital badly and it may be
> right.
> Why is there too much capital? One answer is that central banks reacted
> to the bursting of the technology bubble by cutting interest rates by
> too much for too long. The resulting liquidity might in other times have
> sent inflation soaring, but now China's emergence has placed offsetting
> deflationary pressures on consumer goods prices. The excess liquidity is
> sloshing around world capital markets.
> At the same time, China's emergence is spurring investment that the
> world may not need. The world automobile industry is plagued by
> overcapacity, but every car company believes it must have plants in China.
> We have seen too much capital before, but not on a worldwide basis. It
> flooded into Japan in the 1980's when money there was cheap and the
> success of the Japanese economy obvious. Japanese business still suffers
> from excess capacity. Excessive investment in telecommunications in the
> late 1990's left a lot of unused fiber optic cable.
> The excess of capital is bad news for wealthy economies, especially as
> it is happening when aging populations in Japan, Europe and the United
> States need good investments to finance retirement. But it should be
> good news for economies that need capital to develop.
> Capital will not remain in excess forever. Money will be spent on
> consumption rather than investment, and new technologies and rising
> demand will eventually create more uses for a supply of capital that
> will have been depleted as low returns discourage saving. But for those
> with capital, that could be a slow and painful process.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/25/business/25norris.html?
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